viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018

Political and electoral participation case of El Salvador

            I am really concerned about the political process in El Salvador, my home country. Thus,  this paper proposes the study of the political participation of Salvadorian population base in three school thought: Social psychological, structural, and political alienation. These explanations allow us analyzed how social groups such as women, youth, low income families, and disable people are disenfranchisement in the political process
            The end of the armed conflict in El Salvador left a legacy of  uncertain population about the credibility of the electoral process in the new democratic State. examine the level of political participation of Salvadorian population after the peace accord in 1992 its necessary to identified the major reasons why some population groups do not participate actively in electoral process. The political alienation explanations focus in alienated individuals who do care, but feel estranged or disaffected from the electoral process is a good predictor to analyze the electoral process after the conflict armed.

            After the peace accords were signed in 1992 in Chapultepec the political process in El Salvador became democratic. Forth national elections have been runner so that the level of political participation of Salvadorian population have changed after the armed conflict. Thus, this paper explain some scholars though that analyzes political empowerment and participation of individuals in a democratic context. Particularly, explanations about why some social groups such as women and low income family have more disadvantage to participate in political process. The first explanation it is a matter of class and socialization, called Social psychological explanation. The second one, is the Structural explanation which argue that does exist structural and mechanical obstacles in the democratic process that reduce participation. Finally, the third one argue that through the Political alienation of individuals political participation decrease thus people do care about the political process but do not participate because it does not address their interest.
            The definition of political participation according to Eva Anduiza and Augustine Bosch (2004) is "any citizen action aimed to influence the political process and its outcomes through electoral participation and not electoral participation." However, this paper analyze it focus in electoral political participation that distinguish the contribution in reference to the electoral process like voting, making campaign and proselytism versus other actions which are inserted in formal institutions which are out of the electoral frame. (Anduiza& Bosch, 2004)

Literature Review
            El Salvador lived an armed conflict in the 80's that ended up with the signed of the Chapultepec Peace accords.  After twenty-two years the political participation process has been improving, but still pose more disadvantage to minorities. Scholars though have offered some theories to account what affect political empowerment and participation particularly in specific disadvantage groups such as women and low income groups.  There are three basic explanations that have a significant analyze why some groups do not participate in politic process. First, Social psychological explanation which argue that political participation is the result of a culture of class and socialization. For example people learn political behavior in their occupational context and organizational involvement. Second, The Structural explanation state that structural and mechanical obstacles reduce participation, for example some voter registration laws, registration problems,  so on. Third, the Political alienation  people who do care about the political process but do not vote because it does not address their interest or needs and so participation has not meaning for them (Glasberg & Shannon 2011, 97 ) Thus, these three explanations can explain whether the political participation has recovered or not since the 1992 peace accords as well as how disadvantage groups such as rural area families, low income population and women have involved in conventional political participation.
            The conflict armed in El Salvador left a legacy of violence and poverty that affected political participation of minorities. The Social Psychological Explanation argue that socialization is a pattern of participation. This argument explains political participation as the result of culture of class and of socialization. In fact family, church, school, work are some of the socialization's institution that encourage interest of political participation or does not. For example, jobs, higher income occupations, organizational involvement and access to education provide people skills and values of political activity. Thus, those who live in this social context are more likely to evaluate the costs and benefits of participating in politic. (Glasberg & Shannon 2011, 99) Therefore, people of low income, bad jobs and lack of education are more likely to do not have an active politic participation.

            The extent to which citizens participate in politics and the ways in which they do so are influenced significantly by their social circumstances, these include how individuals live, the kinds of neighborhoods they live in, how much and what kind of education they have, the kinds of work they do and how much they earn, and the opportunities they have improving their lives. Social circumstances affect the level of resources available for political participation and serve to foster or inhibit development of the attitudes and beliefs that underline various types of political participation. Within the indicators of social circumstances include such characteristics as age, race, education, sex, region and or place of residence, marital status, and social class. Also life experiences can be determined by social circumstances, also influence citizens patterns of political behavior. For example individuals who have suffered economic deprivation are likely to value economic security more than those who have never known economic deprivation. Life experiences and the resultant evaluations of the past and expectations about the future, vary according to such factors as social class, race, gender, ethnicity, education, even profession. (Conway 1985, 15)
            In fact the structural explanations argues the necessity of enforcing democracy implementing  structural conventional, and political participation such as voter registration laws, legitimate participation activities. After the brutal conflict armed the focused upon in political populism of participation implementing populist strategist to increase political participation. instead of focus in the rehabilitation of the Salvadorian society. Those kinds of structural actions and participation process become obstacles for some population. Indeed, women, low income families, youth and disable are the population groups more affected. For instance, people from rural areas who gains the minimum salary of $3.50 per day; those work just to put a roof over their families head, and food on the table salary thus they are not as concern about politic participation as people with higher economic incomes. Is more problematic to pay and to get  registration ID for  lower income population, because they struggle with money, resources or time  in order to be involved in political process.
            Therefore, the legal structure plays an important role in the political participation. The ways in which the rules are determinate for the suitability to vote and the laws and measures governing the behavior of elections affect electoral participation and also the effects of factors as: practices, governmental structure, and regulatory procedures. (Conway 1985, 88) The forms and patterns of political participation can be meaningfully influenced by the organization of the government and by the laws and regulations ratified by this one, which are related with: the struggle for the right to vote, including in this part the women’s suffrage, minority suffrage, the registration and election process, and the opportunities that can be affected by laws for other forms of participation (it can affect to people who vote and people who is direct involved or runs for office).
            Finally the third school of thought that analyze political alienation  explore the role of individuals who do care about the political participation but are apathetic about the process, voter does not address their interest and so it has no meaning for them. Those who are political alienated consider political leaders as part of the elite who does care about it narrow interest as class. (Glasberg & Shannon 2011, 102.)
A good party system requires some basic values; otherwise conflict can occurs primarily over the distribution of values in the society and not over the values themselves. Nevertheless, if a society has a party system does not adequately reflect all points of view, people who do not perceive their interests to be represented may decide that they have no effective means of participating and simply not engage in any political activities. (Conway 1985, 87)
Ex-combatants, educate people, and mid-class are some of the more representative alienated population groups who do care about politic but are not agree with the political process in El Salvador. These population have a legacy of struggle politic but their do not have confidence to the currently political process thus they do not participate in it.
The model
            According to the literature review I identified possible key factors that allow understand the obstacles settled to guaranty political participation for minority groups in El Salvador after the conflict armed ended up in 1992 Three explanations: Social psychological, structural, and political alienation explanation allow us analyzed how social groups such as women, youth, low income families, and disable people are disenfranchisement for their social and economic condition. I firmly believe that the political alienation explanations focus is a good predictor to analyze currently political participation in El Salvador in order to understand the electoral process after the peace accords. Understanding alienated individuals as those who do care but feel estranged or disaffected from the electoral process, because their confidence in the meaningfulness of participation in the electoral process is week.
                                      Level of political alienation
Proportion of individual who participate in electoral process

Hi: The higher the amount of people who feel no meaningful to participate in electoral process the higher will be the proportion of political alienated individuals.
Ho: The lower the amount of people who feel meaningful to participate in electoral process the lower will be the proportion of political alienated individuals.
The best way to collect data would be through a survey in order to ask if people do care about electoral process to know their level of political alienation.  
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