1. Discuss some of the reasons (at least two) why more women do not run
for political
office (from federal to local positions). Would you be for or against a
gender quota
system in our congress, in other words, a policy saying, for example,
that at least 30% of
our congressional representatives had to be women? Explain you answer.
If we had such
a quota system, which state theory from chapter five would best explain
such as
system? Explain your answer
Although in the last century there have been some accomplishment to
reduce the gender gap and enhance the political participation of women,
gender inequality does still exist. Women is still disenfranchised in
the political process from local to national levels, for instance the
fact that there is still a gap between men and women to run for
political office. There are several reason that can be taken in account
to explain this system of inequality, some of them are:
• People learn political behavior in their occupational context, family,
church, school, and organizational involvement. Thus women learn from
those institutions roles and gender stereotypes in which men are
encourage to have an active political behavior meanwhile women are
persuade to take care of the house and children. As a result of this
socialization process women have not as high self confidence as men to
run for political office.
• Social media is a powerful institution of political socialization that
promote the dominance of men in policy. There is a dominance of men
figure in social media as the more capable to run in political office
I firmly believe that gender quota systems in the congress would be a
good way to minimize the gender gap in this institution. Some European
countries have been set up the quota system in order to make a balance
between the proportion of women and men who can be elected to
legislative office. For example, major political parties in Germany
have voluntarily adopted gender quotas that have helped increase the
number of women in the congress. meanwhile in United State women hold
just 18.3%, of seats in the Congress. If the quota system is successful,
and it helps to reduce gender politic gap in others developed countries
I agree with it implementation in United State or any other country.
The quota system would be explain for the State Centered Structuralism
theory . The nature of the State in this theory is "organization and
unit in a system of increasingly complex bureaucracy ." The fact of
have an specify quota of women assigned to run for political office
would increase the bureaucracy thus would fit in the nature of the State
of the State Centered Structuralism theory.
2. Summarize Alexander’s argument in her book “The New Jim Crow.” In
other words,
what are the racialized policies that comprise the “New Jim Crow”? Do
you agree with
the argument; why or why not? How might a “capitalist state
structuralist” disagree
with a “state-centered structuralist” over the policies presented in
this book (refer to
lecture and discussion of chapter five)?
Alexander argues that many years ago the racial caste system had
different characteristic and forms that included the slavery and Jim
Crow . Those appeared to die but they did not in contrast they reborn in
a new form tailored to currently time and its traits. proponents of
racial hierarchy created a new caste system. This new system has been
achieve for the racism of lower class whites.
The new pattern of racial caste system is the mass incarceration that
dating back to slavery. This new racial caste system do not violate the
law or the new limit of acceptable because it demand "law and order"
rather than "segregation forever." The public debate shifted focus from
segregation to crime. Positions taken on crime policies typically
cohered along lines of racial ideology. The mass incarceration as the
new caste system that affect communities of color (blacks but also
immigrants and Latinos) is now explain in race neutral terms. Although
the focus in the book is the experience of African American men in the
new caste system it also the experience of Latinos and immigrants in
the criminal justice system.
I am agree with Alexander argument. I think the racial hierarchy system
that at the beginning was open racist and segregate has been changing
to a functional structuralism idea of "law and order." Latinos and black
do still suffer disadvantage in the criminal justice system. However,
the civil right movement and the currently time force to change the
speech of segregation for another of order based in the implications of
mass incarceration. the evidence of a new racial caste system is that
more than half of the young black men in many large American cities are
currently under the control of the criminal justice system.
The capitalist State Structuralism CSS states that the nature of the
State is organize in class dominance according to class position and
economic structure; focus in secure the condition of capital
accumulation. By the other hand the State Centered Structuralism SCS
theory has organization and unit in a system of increasing complex
bureaucracy. Therefore the CSS follow the capitalist idea of order and
progress giving support to the new racial hierarchy system of "law and
order" in order to maintain the class position and economic structure.
In opposition the SCS looks for a bureaucratic system in which the
order is not based in a classes structure.
3. Does capitalism need political and economic crises in order to
survive (and even thrive—
at least for the wealthy)? This is Naomi Klein’s assertion in the “shock
doctrine.” Is she
right; why or why not (use examples from the reading in your answer)?
Which state
theory from chapter five would best align with her argument? Explain
your answer.
Klein's argue in the Shock doctrine that capitalism is a violent system
that requires a sort of crisis to do its job. She proposes that a great
rupture such as flood, war o terrorist attack can generate big changes
in the world. Free market is the one that lead the process because it
has the power to remark the world. She explains the economic history of
the last years and the rise of free-market fundamentalism around the
world. According to her proposal free market ideology lead the processes
during crisis and disasters. Therefore, her assertion that political
crisis are necessaries to keep alive the capitalism system is right
because all the "accidents" or "crisis" in the last years happened as
part of the normal process of capitalism. there are no accidents as seen
by Klein due to the disaster capitalism complex is part of the
emergency market and emergency technology explosion.
She provide some examples like the Augusto Pinochet's coup in 11, 1973
in Chile. When thousands of people were tortured and killed and the
Friedman theory was applied in order to provide a "therapy" for the
resistance of the free market called "shock treatment" Moreover,
September 11, 2011 was the beginning of declared war against which allow
Bush's government to launch a war aimed at producing a free-market
Iraq. Also she made reference about the tsunami in 2004 enabled the
government of Sri Lanka to force the fishermen off beachfront property
so it could be sold to hotel developers. Those examples are sore of
crises that have been necessary in order to maintain the free market and
capitalism system.
The Instrumentalism Business Dominance would be the best align with her
argument. According to this theory the Elite pressures for cohesion,
domination or cooptation of the masses. Klein's propose that in a
rupture or crisis the free market is the one that lead the process in
order to keep save the elite interest like the example of Chile in 1973
when it was a domination of the state by corporate interest (free
market) in service of the elite.
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